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Why Not Do Online Learning?

Many people love the idea of learning in their pajamas. What could be bad, they say, about such an environment?! They jump into taking classes online before they really weigh their options and evaluate if online classes are really the right idea for their learning style and personality. Looking at the disadvantages of online learning can help you to make a more educated decision about your education.

Loss of Human Contact

Many people simply don't feel like learning at a computer screen is the same thing as learning with a live teacher in the room. They bemoan the electronic age and the technology that is eating away at our private time together. They definitely have a point. Online learning is not as intimate as classroom learning, and it doesn't have the same energy. Often, in a classroom, your questions will be a result of something that another student has said, or you'll learn something fascinating through the combination of the content and the delivery by the professor. Many of these components are taken away with online courses and it is important to consider this disadvantage before starting an online program.

Difficult with Self Motivation

We aren't all self motivated. For people who need deadlines and human interaction pushing them forward, online courses may not be the right medium. Often times, it is up to the person taking the course to really motivate himself. There aren't always deadlines and you have to create your own schedule and stick to your own deadlines. This format does not suit everyone, and it is very important to evaluate your personality before beginning a course that requires self discipline and motivation.


Most of the time, when you take online courses, you need to have great accessibility to technology. The course is taught through the internet, and you may even need to meet up in a chat room with your teacher and fellow students at a set time. There can be e-conferencing, skype and other technology that you'll have to have available to you. These are important items to keep in mind. You shouldn't be turned off to the idea of online courses just because you aren't technologically savvy - but you should give the idea pause if you don't have access to the necessary technology.

Course Offerings

It's not always possible to find exactly the courses that you want through an online program. While many programs do offer a wide array of courses, you may not be able to specialize as much as you want to. If you are interested in a specific specialty, you should make sure that it is offered by the online program before committing yourself. Similarly, if you already know the type of profession that you want to go into, you should see if that profession accepts degrees from an online university or online program.

The more that you know the facts and can evaluate your choices, the better off you'll be with your decision. Online education is an exciting new medium and one that many people will benefit from and enjoy. Evaluate all of your options to see if you are one of them!


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